Bittu had finished his Intermediate with a good percentage in Vignan Dhule and then the struggle started for getting a seat into an engennering College. I took him to Dharmapuri which was about two hours distance from bangalore. he was willing to study here but I decided that the culture was very different . We next tried for mahrahtra and here Bittu got a seat in Electronics in Dhule. I travelled to Dhule many times and felt very bad that Bittu had to struggle so much. The place was dusty, except during rainy season. Those days there were not many engeneerin g Colleges in South also and I had takebn a stand that we will not be paying any capitation fees. Here Bittu had got a seat based on his merit and he too felt that this was better than paying a huge donation. The District of Dhulia was previously known as West Khandesh district. The ancient name of this region was Rasika. Subsequently its name was changed to Khandes to suit the title Khan given to the Faruqi kings by Ahmad I of Gujrat. Dhule became part of the Mughal Empire in 1601, during the regime of Akbar. In the 18th century Dhule came under the Maratha regime. In 1818, after being taken over by the British. Khandesh is mainly comprising of two districts Dhulia and Jalgaon and the three talukas Malegaon , Nandgaon and Baglan of Nashik District with headquarter at Dhule or Dhulia . Bittu found some good friends here though his engeneering days were very difficult but he learnt the harder way and was very clear that Tarun Varun would study only in Hyderabad and not go out of the state.