Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Prof. Uma Chakravarthy

 Prof. Uma Chakravarthy is in the department of history as a Visiting Professor. She is giving a series of lectures and today, on 27th January, 2015, we had a panel discussion on D.D.  Kosambi on the occasion of the release of his book,  An introduction to the study of History being translated in to Telugu. Prof. Suvira Jaiswal and Prof. Ramakrishna also spoke on this occasion about kosambi and his style of History writing and why it is important in the present day context.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jeevanandam the third Ph D in Gender Studies

 Jeevanandam Sankar became the third student to get his Ph d in Gender Studies.One of my student from history rang me up and said Mam you are being partial and you never put up History students getting their degrees.I told her that History is an old Programme since 1979 but Gender studies came into existence only in 2007 and is a young programme and we have a history of more than 20 to 25 years of struggle to establish this Centre. However my history students are also dear to me and a Ph D in any discipline is a matter of pride for both the student and the teacher. I am very proud the fact that in the next convocation I will have 4 of my gender studies and 1 history student get their degree formally. All my earlier  history students who have got their Ph.D  with me are in academics.Raja is a faculty in Annamalai Univ.Lavanya in Osmania Univ, Zuali in Mizoram University anf Harish is    a faculty in Allahabad University.Padma my first student with a Ph.D in history  is a very well established Gender Consultant. All of these students are very close to my heart.

Jeeva with the external examiner Prof.Manimekhalai,  the Director of the Centre for Women's Studies at Bhartidas University, Trichnapalli and the students of Women's Studies after the viva.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Prof.Gyanendra Pande's visit

  On 5th January, 2015, Prof.Gyanendra Pandey visited the University for a distinguished  lecture.He interacted with the faculty of the dept.of History and the other Faculty and students from Social Sciences.There was a very interesting interaction and a lot of issues were discussed primarily on politics of indifference, development,prejudice , writing of history, restricing spaces today and the loss of pluraliry of Indian culture.A very interesting day and the discussion carried out through dinner with a closed group of Aloka, Kalidas,Gyan, Javed Alam and Kameshwari.It was a meeting of old timers after many years but a day well spent.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ashita the second studetn to get Ph.D in WS

 The new year stated well.The second Ph.d viva was conducted on 2nd January, 2015, and Ashita became the second student to get her Ph.D degree in Women's Studies.The year 2014 was very productive for me because four of my students submitted their Ph.D thesis and two have been awarded.Now I am ready with the fifth student in history about to submit his thesis.Prof.Meera Bai from Cochin University came as an expert for the viva.Her DC members Dr.Rajesh and Dr.Jolly were also present.Photo  with the expert and Doctoral Committee members.