Farewells and welcomes are such interestings times in the University and it looks as if it was only yesterday that the youngsters welcomed the seniors and now on 11th April I was invited to the farewell function of the juniors.I have seen these functions change over a period of time from 1984 when students would serve tea and snacks and then cold drink.Now we have elaborate dinners and cultural programmes and a DJ Night after the faculty leave for the night.I have seen a growing friendship and bond between boys and girls and feel very happy.Reminds me of our farewell way back in 1976 when many of our students would not have been born.It was a very seggregated society and girls did not mix easily with boys except a few may be two or three.
This year the juniors have been very imaginative and started a rolling trophy to be given to the class that won the cricket match.The trophy was designed like a world cup and I felt happy handing it over.It was a time of fun, frolick and I felt very happy to see all junior MA.senior MA MPhil and Ph.D's interacting in a great friendship.There is a lot of talent among our students be it singing, dance or drama.An enjoyable evening.