Tuesday, June 28, 2016

From the pages of History- A book on Karna

  Today as Suresh was rearranging the book shelves  in our library he came across this book which is a gem. I have been always fascinated with the character of Karna in Mahabharat since I received this book as an award and read this book way back in 1969 and the fascination continues till today in 2016.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Book on Sex trafficking in South Asia

  On 21 st June, 2016, I  received a copy of my new Book. I  am very happy  to share with all my friends and students and well wishers my new book on sex trafficking  in South Asia with special  focus on India, which has been published by Gyan and released today. I want to acknowledge  the assistance  received  from Mr. Umapati  the DIG  of Police who was with the Anti trafficking  Unit and with whom we formed an Anti trafficking network when I was the Director  of the Centre for Women's  Studies at Maulana Azad National Urdu University. He has written  the foreword  to this book.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Training teacher at the Cultural Resource Centre

 I enjoy giving talks on Gender and culture to the teachers who come for training at the Cultural Resource Centre. I gave a talk here on 6th June, 2016. Here we have more than eighty  to ninety school teachers in one batch coming from different  parts of India. I have found groups from  Sikkim, Bengal, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Jammu and many more states. I feel if I can sensitise one teacher through that teacher I can reach hundreds of High school and Intermediate children. Some batches and very enthusiastic and very inquisitive. It was fun interacting with many such teachers today morning and I found them a very bright group. Dr. Lepika the Director of the Programme makes a lot of effort to sensitise the teachers and is conducting a very successful programme.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

At oakwood residency for Ladlee

 A lovely evening at Oakwood Residency Kapil on 4th June, 2016, where the artist, Rangoli Garg displayed her art work on the theme Ladlee. Her art portrays girls in different  settings. She is a self taught artist. A lovely evening catching up with few old friends and thanks a lot Subham Pandey and Shakul  Pant for having us there. Tarun was more fascinated with their security dog though.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ph.D. Viva in Women's studies at Behrampur

 On 2nd June, 2016, conducted a  Ph. D viva in Women's Studies. It was great to see all the work done by Centre for Women's Studies at Behrampur University and how they are managing with limited infrastructure and staff. Thanks Urmila Das for doing such good work. I strongly feel we need to strengthen the Centres in distant places such as these  for they are so well versed with issues which are localised. I believe for thesis before 2006 the Ph. D vivas are closed door and hence the viva was not open to other students and faculty members. Now however they have open vivas.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Public Lecture at Behrampur University

 On 1st June, 2016, delivered a public lecture on Women's History at Behrampur University. It was great to hear their Vice Chancellor Prof. Deepak Behra who is an anthropologist and Prof Vishnu Choudhary also speak. At the end of this lecture met the students of my student Sankarsan Malik from the History Department. In all a wonderful and fruitful trip. Good to catch up with Urmila Das the Director of the Centre for Women's Studies.