Monday, January 9, 2017

Experiencing the snow

 It's minus twelve degrees at present and I can see snow all around. Snow looks so beautiful  and serene but from a distance. I keep thinking it is snowing in Kashmir and Shimla. Lots of my students are putting pictures on face book but it is so difficult to deal with this kind of weather in India. Here in the US life is so comfortable  that even if it is snowing outside the rooms are all heated and you do not even need a sweater inside. The cars, the shops every where you go there is heat and you need a coat and warm clothing only till you step out of the house to the car. In homes you sit in the car through the garage and again this is not cold. I only wish India becomes like this and I hope I live to see that day when the weather does not matter and we can all afford it and deal with it  technologically and financially.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Walks in Odenton

 This year in Odenton, there has hardly been any significant snow. In fact it was so beautiful that we could go for a walk in the Colony and  a nearby park. I envy the open spaces that are available here and one can walk for long distances with out seeing another soul.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

University Calender 2017

 Every year our University brings our a new calendar with new themes related to the Campus and there is a contest held to select the best photos. This year the theme was mesoscopic life in the campus and here are the photographs selected that are used for each month.