Monday, March 27, 2006

Meeting Sankalp in Chicago

 The 47th Annual Convention og ISA was orgaised in San Diego from March 22nd to 25th , 2006. After this I cam to Chicago where  my elder son, sankalp Bittu was studying. I  also had few lectures here in the Univiersities. Some of these were,  Globalization and trafficking of women and Children’ at gender and Women’s studies program, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601, Morgan street, Chicago on  27th March, 2006. Globalization, Information technology and digital Divide” at department of Sociology, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, 326, Lincoln Street, Urbana, 29th March, 2006. Bittu was doing his MS then and staying with few friends.   His friends took me to the Swamy narayan temple Chicago. 

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