Saturday, December 7, 2019

Bharat Beyond the Aryan Myth

 Attended the one day National Conference at the International school of Business, on Bharat beyond the Aryan myth, organised by  Pragna Bharati and Indic Academy. There were, some very interesting papers on this theme by scholars such as Joydeep Bagchee, Koenraad Elst, Srikanth Talageri, Vasant Shinde and Michel Danino. Many of our students also attended the programme and it was nice interacting with Dr. T. K. Chowdhry. A lot of interesting material related to linguistic, Archeology, Genetics and literature was presented and many of these papers have been circulated. There is a lot of controversy and difference of opinion among scholars on the Aryan invasion theory and if there is a continuity between the Indus Valley people and the Aryan who composed the Vedic literature. A lot of research based material was presented at this Conference and I only hope it becomes main stream and reached the masses.

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