Friday, January 17, 2020

Telangana History Congress Inauguration

 The inauguration of the Telangana History Congress was done by Sri Sri Jagatguru Vidyaranya Bharati from Hamphi. Mr. and Mrs. Santosh Reddy the descendents of the Samsthan also attended. It was like a festival for all the people from neighbouring villages attended. Though Santosh Reddy and his wife do not stay here and live in Hyderabad, I could see how much the villagers respected them and all were coming to just speak to them. There were about a thousand and more people who attended and had lunch. The Sectional Presidential address went well and I made a case for Women's history. The Telengana History Journal was released and I was very happy to see my article on the first girls school in Hyderabad at the beginning of 20th century being published in this. I had collected material for this article in the British library in London during my recent visit. The evening was really very well spent watching the cultural programme. First there were three artists who performed the folk song of Telangana. This was followed by Anupama Kailash giving a talk on Rasmanjari written by the 17th century Sufi  poet Ahmad Shah of Deccan and explain the different kinds of Nayikas and how the Nayika    yerns for their lover and goes  to meet him in the moon lit night. An amazing performance and Anupama brought out the bhavs so beautifully. After this Natraj Ramakrishna students performed. We had left the hotel in the morning at seven and by the time we returned it was ninethirty. A very long but enjoyable day.

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