Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Orange the world in 16 days campaign

 All around the world from 25th Nov, the International day for the Elimination of Violence to 10th December, the Human Rights day we celebrate16 days of activism against Gender based violence.

I was invited as a key note speaker in a programe on How safe are young girls in Telangana on 3rd DECEMBER, 2014, organised by Shaheen and Action Aid at Woodbridge hotel.The other participants included Tripurana Venkataratnam the Chairperson of the State Commission for women, Ameena Tahseen faculty of Women' s Studies at Maulana Azad National University and Mrs.Ruchika Sharma the Mrs.South Asia International, 2014 and od course Jameela Nishat of Shaheen. There was also a lovely Kawwali on Violence against women.In all a day well spent.

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