Sunday, April 15, 2018

Governor"s House in Pudicherry

 In Puducherry, we were invited to the Governor House and Kiran Bedis has opened the Governor House to tourists and with in a span of one and a half year we were the one hundred and eighty second delegation to visit here. I have always found Kiran Bedis to be very energetic, hard working and motivational and bringing a difference with her unique style of administration, where ever she is posted. She is a very good role model for youngsters. We were told that the British had to leave India all of a sudden but unlike them the French left Puducherry in a leasurely fashion and ship loads of stuff was transferred to France in one ship after the other and so the Raj Niwas was left  bare, except for the things they could not carry with them. The foundation for  Raj niwas was originally laid by the French Governor in 1738 but   it was completed by Duplex. This was destroyed in 1761and a new one came up in 1766.This was, built in the Ricoco style which was very popular in 18th century Europe and was  known for its decorative and dense ornamentation. One can see this at Raj niwas.

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