Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Meeting Jeevanandam and Archana, My Old students

 It is always a great sense of achievement and fulfillment to connect with our past students. I was very happy to see S. Jeevanandam Sankar and his wife Archana who were both  my Ph. D students in the past, come and meet me in Hyderabadon 9th January, 2019. Jeeva was my M. Phil and Ph. D student and Archana also did her  Ph. D with me. Jeevanandam is  now  a faculty in the University of Sikkim and is doing well and is very serious about his work. In fact he is now offering a large number of courses on Women's History and carrying forward this work in North East along with other students of mine. Jeeva and Archana Sivaprakashan now have a son and I was teasing them that he will soon be my friend on Facebook. I still remember that another students of mine Lavanya  and Naga Sridhar   had come home  with a almost new born baby and now both the children have grown up as very smart teenagers and are my friends on Face book. Jeeva's son took to Suresh in a big way and refused to leave him when he had to leave.  It was indeed great to have both Jeeva and Archana at the Centre and at home. They spoke in such nostalgic terms about our University and how they miss it. It is great to know that our University has this kind of a nostalgia for students. I had met a couple from Iran who had now settled in  New Zealand  and who had passed out in early 2000 and spoke a similar language about our University. I had never taught them or knew them but they invited me to their house in New Zealand, when they came to know that I am from University of Hyderabad. I had a similar experience in Taipai long time back in the  nineties when a student from Chemistry Department whom I met casually in the bus came and picked me from the hotel and took me home for dinner and introduced me to his wife.

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