Tuesday, December 26, 2017

meeting Tarun Sharma and family in Hyderabad

 It is such a wonderful feeling  to meet Tarun or Chotu as we called him, that little  little boy next door and our neighbour, who was studying in sixth or  seventh class in front of us in the late eightees. Tarun also did Baby sitting  for Bittu once  during holidays  by travelling with Suresh to Dharwar and other places during his tour when I was busy and could not be there to take care of Sankalp Pande  then a toddler. Tarun told us that he would love to borrow books and Reader Digest from us as a student and wanted to know if we still had a library. He showed his children our library. Tarun is  today all grown up and a Doctor in the US and settled there. He came to Hyderabad for just two days for a school reunion  and came  to visit us  with his wife Kavita who is also a Doctor and his two very sweet children. Kavita Sharma and Tarun we are so moved that though your kids were jet lagged you brought them to meet us and spend some time with us. It is amazing to think how some relationships, though not blood relationships, stay with you for life. God bless you all.

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