Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Indian wedding

 Continuing  the Indian wedding. When the bridegroom goes with the barat for the wedding each and every one  dances and literally go crazy.The friends, relatives do not allow the barat to proceed and so much dancing goes on with the band blaring at high pitch, the money being thrown as a form of blessing. This is a very common occurance in India when the barat goes on the road, each one waits patiently for the revelers to pass through.Luckily we did not block any road in this barat for the wedding hotel was in a side street and not in the main road. Each one, attending the wedding, old people, middle age people, old people, children, have  their own definition of fun and it is a mad mayhem with each and every one just going along with dancing, eating, singing and rituals going on simultaneously.After the baraat reaches the venue, again a lot of eating takes place and the rituals take place simultaneously. The wedding goes on through out the night and only the few determined lot stay up late at night. Finally it can just be summed up in just two words  Real Fun.

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