Wednesday, February 1, 2006

The Birth of SEED

 A video of the meeting of the Governing Body of SEED.With Padma, Vishal, Rajesh and Suresh sitting and discussing the Objects and vision. Seven Pillars of SEED


Society for Empowerment through Environment Development



n  I. SEED’s Mission: Contribute to the creation of an equitable, empowered and sustainable society through a change in the natural, social, economic and cultural environment.

          II. SEED’s Purpose:

·       A seed means a germ or a latent beginning of things.

·       Given the proper environment  just as a seed could flourish into a full grown tree, similarly people who are disadvantaged and live below poverty line when given a proper environment can bring in a change in their lives.

·       Seed attempts to act as a catalyst in bringing about this change.

          III. SEED’s Goals:

·       Women’s empowerment and equity.

·       Restructuring social relations.

·       Awareness creation.

·       Capacity Building

 IV. SEED’s Aims and Objectives 

·       Build the capacities of women, men and children for empowerment.

·       Introduce and implement the appropriate and revised technologies in the rural and peri urban, urban areas to attain sustainable development.

·       Create awareness and improve the quality of life by integrating primary education programmes with health, sanitation, drinking water and non-conservational source of energy and human resource development.

·       Creation of database to help focus policies and recommend action to initiate development processes and impart training.

 V. SEED’s Strategy:

·       Participation of people in development

·       Partnership with farming communities

·       Research initiatives

  • Interdisciplinary, thematic and systematic approach


VI. SEED’s Values:

·       Gender consciousness

·       Service to clients

·       Environment protection

·       Diversity of approach

·       Team work and partnership


VII. SEED’s Commitment:

·       The forming of a platform for wider audience for people’s participation and representation at the socio-economic and political level, thereby strengthening the process and progressive mechanisms for people’s empowerment and sustainable development

·       Providing a high quality research and consultancy services for clients and stakeholders in, public policy, environmental concerns, gender issues, social sectors and health issues.



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