Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Time is Now: Feminist Leadership for a New Era:

 I am very happy to share with my family, friends, students and well wishers that the Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender Collaboration, communication and innovation in Gender Research and Practices has published a book, The Time is Now: Feminist Leadership for a New Era: ( Eds),  Araceli Alonso and Teresa Langle de Paz, from University of Wisconsin-Madison(2019).These are case studies finally  picked out from among the three thousand cases from around the world  and the final ones that are published include besides India from  Venezuala, Spain, Brazil, USA, Canada, Mexico, Arab Emirates, Hungary. My case study on women fighting Liquor barons in Andhra Pradesh ," Emergence of grass root leadership among women in the fight against Arrack (Liquor) ", finds a place in it. After this case study was selected,  i was asked to submit an abstract and I passed the first stage when they liked it and  in the second stage I was asked to write a paper of six thousand words. After this was cleared, I was asked in the third stage to concise it to 3000 words and this was a  real challenge. I struggled a lot and it was difficult to let go of words that were so important to me. I was not sure if I could really do this and convey all that I wanted. However, I did succeed and this was done and finally  this has been published now. This was a Project,  I  had got from the Department of Women and Child Welfare, Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India and from 1994- 1996,  for three years, as part of this Project, I had covered this movement followed it and  had thousand of pages of material, interviews,  photographs and video material along with a big report. It was fun accepting the challenge and putting this into 3000 words and as I see the  outcome , I am elated.   I am also attaching few Photographs from  that period, when I was much younger and did not mind getting into a crowd, mingling with them, travelling long distances into districts, all  for the purpose of research. I am not sure if I can still do this today. This project taught me that the line between research and activism is thin as far as gender is concerned.

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