Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Women's World Congress, 5th Book

 The fifth book of the Women's World Congress is released and reached me today morning. I am so happy to see this. It has taken a long time but the quality and end product is very good and can compare to any International publication. These are a series of nine books by  different editors including besides myself, Sita Vanka, Tutun Mukherjee, Bharat Chilakuri  S. Jeeva nandam, Abu Saleh and published by Rawat Publications  and today the fifth one   has seen the light of the day.  The other  four books are still with the publisher and I only hope that he delivers them fast so that, I can close this file. It was a herculean  task to weed out about fifteen to twenty papers for each volume, from the thousand that we had received from all over the world for each volume and after double blind  peer review getting back to authors, getting clarifications and rewriting  and there was a delay of some years even on our part. I thank all the authors for their patience since 2014 (though the wait is still not over for some) and the editors for all the hard work.

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