Friday, March 29, 2019

Beautiful Memories of Kokrajhar in Assam

 Some beautiful memories of the NAAC visit to Kokrajhar in Assam. I have been gifted a beautiful book on the History of the Bodos writen by Bakul Chandra Basumatary and this traces the history from the beginning to the modern period. It talks about Indus valley, Mauryas,  Sungas, Guptas, Hunas  and Palas. For the first time , I heard something called the Mech Dynasty of Cooch Bihar, The Kacharis . I have yet to read it but what ever I read is very interesting. There is so much history that we do not know about our own country, of the distant regions and we think that the history of mainland India  in the indo Gangetic plain is the only history worth reading.

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