Friday, April 3, 2020

The Time of the Pandemic- a time for reflection and reading

 Amidst all this news of the pandemic and the havoc that it has  caused  around the world, I have found time for reflection and  reading. I could finally start reading the Valmiki Ramayan, which I had always wanted to read but could never do so due to lack of time. Now, I have found the time to read it and get deep into  exploring it more and more through the various writings and websites. 

Today, I got a good news that brightened my evening that Cambridge Scholars Publishing is going to bring out a paper back edition of my book, Divine Sounds from the Heart on women saints ,  published in  2010. There were few Indian publishers who wanted to publish this but CSPis bring ing out the paper back edition.  I hope this will be a cheaper edition and one that is easily available and will reach a large number of scholars and students  of  history, Indian religion  and women's studies.

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