Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Calicut University

 In Calicut University, Kerala on 29th January, 2019, invited for a Ph. D viva, an open defense, as it is called. I found the whole structure very interesting. Unlike our University where there is a lot of informality in the whole process, here it was almost like a seminar with the examiner, Head, Supervisor and student on a dias. First the Head, welcomed every one and then the Supervisor, Prof. Molly Kuruvilla, introduced me with a detailed C. V. and the I had to make some remarks on the thesis. This was followed by a power point presentation by the student. Then question  answers by the expert followed and then after I had finished it was open to the others and finally, I had to declare the result. The student Seema, did a good thesis on Role Conflict of women Managers in Higher edu action in Kerala. She had taken both teaching and Non teaching managerial level women for data collection. The fact that she could find many , Deputy Registrars and Assistant Registrsars in these positions and a Pro Vice Chancellor and also few Muslim women in these positions  came as a surprise to me. We continue to learn so much every day and my admiration  for Kerala has only increased.

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