Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Bangalore bash

 All of us, who had studied in school in 9th and 10 th class at Kendriya Vidyalala in Picket, Secunderabad, in the 1970's , 'The 72 Picketians', are in constant touch with each other and meet once in a while and the bonding continues to be strong though today we are in our sixty fourth and sixty fifth year and many have retired from very active service in the administration, Parliament,IT sectors, academics, airforce, railways, charter accounts etc.Thanks to internet we all could get together eleven years back and the  bonds continue. After school our journeys took us through different routes. Down the route we settled, finished our different College education, got jobs, got married,had children, got our children married and many became grandfathers and grandmothers but the friendship is something that never changed. Today we are spread all over India, in the US, in Canada and Australia. The friends from Bangalore organised a bash and, we came down to Bangalore for the Sunday get together. It was a weekend of fun and frolic of nostalgia and catching up with each other. Right from the time we collected at the station to boarding the train sharing the same bogie, checking into the resort  it was a fantastic experience. The spouses also  joined in and added to the  flavours of the evening. Thanks a lot Usha Archana, Frank, Skanda, Raghu for all the planning and Murthy Nsn for all the logistics. A great get together. May  we continue to bond for with you all time stands still and I continue to feel that I am only sixteen /seventeen years old and back to those carefree days of school.

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