Wednesday, October 28, 2020

New book, Gender and Globalization

 Today morning, I received a copy of the book, Gender and Globalization edited by myself, Sita Vanka and Jeevanandam. It took us six long years, mails being sent up and down to authors, lots of corrections and the lockdowns and the Carona virus, closing the press.Finally this book in the series of the Women's World Congress, has seen the light of the day. Doing an edited book is not an easy task and every time, I tell myself this is my last one for it is easier to write my own book than dealing with a multitude of authors. Many authors never respond to mails on time, carry out the revisions in a timely fashion and one has to deal with many issues.  Finally, all this is behind me and I am happy to see the book in my hand. I keep telling my students that holding my own book in my hands is akin to the thrill and excitement of holding my new born child for the first time in my hands. Indeed a great feeling.

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