Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kali Math Temple

 On 15th April, 2017, traveled to Kali Math temple which is close to Kedarnath, which is about 45 Km from Kedarnath. Also saw Okhi math on the way which becomes the abode of Shiva during the period in winters when the Himalayas are covered with snow. Thanks  Annpurna Nautiyal for sending Girish Bhatt as an escort. Having worked in a Project and now doing his Ph. D on the Natural disaster of Uttarakhand he brought the disaster in these hills of 16th and 17th June, 2013 very close to us and we could see the vast amount of destruction and the aftermath and fallen debris on the roads. It is sad that the disaster came due to our playing with nature and exploiting it and now in the aftermath of the destruction and all the roads that are being laid and the construction that is being done we are again cutting into the mountains. It is a catch 21 situation and a major question that has always loomed at large is once again relevant as to how do we balance nature and development. After all the people here too need roads and other benefits of modernisation and cannot stay in isolation. It is sad to hear that most of the villages are now deserted in the aftermath of the disaster and families have migrated to the plains for their safety and security. This part of the Himalayas is a very fragile ecological zone and there is so much faith in God's and their powers and I only pray that that God is with them and this region  and let the disaster of 2013 be the last one to haunt this region.

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