Sunday, September 29, 2019

Tarun Getting his MBA Degree

 Today is really a very happy day for us for my elder twin Dr. Tarun Pande who had done an MBA degree from ASCI, Administrative Staff College of India, in Health and Hospital Management got his degree in a convocation. It was a beautiful ceremony, which started dot on  time announced. There were really very short, sweet and crisp speeches and degrees awarded. Today, I realised that though, I have seen so many convocations and my various students getting their  degrees, this is the first time that I saw my son getting a degree in a convocation. The truth hit me today that I have never seen my children get their MS or MBBS degrees in a convocation. Suresh has attended the convocation of my sons in the US and when they got their degrees but due to mid semester I could never go to see them receive their degrees. Met Professor Kakarla Subba Rao a doyen of Hyderabad in Medicine and Health care who is now ninety four. My three children had finished their schooling in a School established by him, International School. All the graduates who got their degree are already working in hospitals, Corporates and other Health sectors. Of the batch of forty in my sons class there were few doctors, many Dental professionals and many with experience in IT sector.There was a Colonel also in their course. Hence the course is for serious professionals and ASCI is doing a good job as far as their placement record is concerned. I found the course to be very practical oriented rather than theoretical.

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