Friday, May 15, 2020

Cambridge University Press Publication in times of Covid

 A CUP, Publication in the times of Covid -19. Very happy to share that today, I got the  information that the book, Cambridge International Handbook on the Psychology of Women, ed by Fanny M. Cheung and Diane F. Halpern and , published by Cambridge University Press will finally be available from June onwards.  My article  ( along with two other feminists),   Feminist Theory and Methodologies  Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries, is a lead article in this.  After  more than three years and  several revisions this is finally seeing the light of the day. There are several books on Feminist theory and methodologies but most are based exclusively or largely on western views and data, and thus cannot be representative of the psychology of all women, especially given the growing research literature across the world. This book rejects an approach that has been used by other authors that consists of a single chapter from different countries and regions. A short chapter on psychology of women from a single country is necessarily shallow and does not promote an integrated and deeper understanding of the scientific foundation of the specific topics. Instead this work draw up a comprehensive list of topics in psychology that are critical to understanding the gendered lives of women. Each chapter has  a lead author—a recognized authority on that topic and two other  with a different region/ culture in the world.  There is no other book that has taken on the task of internationalizing our knowledge about the psychology of women, from a non western perspective , like this book.  It provides a  much-needed comprehensive reference to   Theory and Methodologies in Psychology of Women,  that are relevant across cultures.    In the present article,  given the different context, region and culture, Prof. Rekha Pande from the University of Hyderabad, India, Dr. Wen Liu,University at Albany, State University of New York, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and  Dr. Hsunhui Tseng, M.A  Programme Director,Gender Studies Programme, Chinese University of Hong Kong,Sha Tin, New Territories, get together and write about the feminist theories and the methodologies and the development of the Women’s Movement in India, China, Taiwan and Hongkong.  Though very challenging, it was fun to write on Feminist theory with two totally new scholars and getting to know the women's Movement and theoretical prerspectives from China, Taiwan and Hongkong. I  only hope a large number of women's studies students and scholar, interested in non western theories , will find this a useful resource.

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