Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Mango season

 The mango season is here. Nearly twenty five years back we had planted two mango saplings in front of our gate. Except giving  water there was not much attention that they needed. Down the road they grew along with my children. When the children were in school and College they would climb it and be so excited collecting the mangoes which could number in thousands. Today, the birds have flown the nest and the children have left the home and the son  who is with us, is, very busy in his work and does not think it exciting to collect the mangoes. So except the few which are reachable most of the mangoes are eaten by birds and parrots. There is a regular chirping of birds in the garden, thanks to Suresh spending so much time in it and keeping water and grains on a regular basis for the birds. When, I see these beautiful trees, it is but natural to become very philosophical and  admire nature for giving us so much and asking nothing in return. The trees teach me that no matter how big you grow one has to be rooted on the ground.

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