Monday, July 27, 2020

MHRD, Osmania University,

 I was connected to 127 participants from different Universities and Colleges all over India in the Refresher course organised by the MHRD, Osmania University, where I was invited to give the key note address and another lecture to the faculty. It was a pleasure to interact and get to know the faculty from Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, Odhisa, Andhra and Telengana. The reach of this new form of teaching amazes me with its reach and unlike a face to face refresher course where we could connect to thirty or forty faculty at the most now the reach is unimaginable. But it is indeed very exhausting and requires a lot of energy to keep speaking for hours together with out seeing the facial expressions at the other end. It is only in the discussion later that one comes to know if they have followed or not.

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