Thursday, December 27, 2018

Meeting Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

 On 27th december, 2017, I had my quota of spirituality as this year ended, by spending an evening at the Art of Living Foundation in Bangalore. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has a large number of followers and we had gone to invite him to the National Women's Summit in Hyderabad. We were blessed by him and presented prasad and a long scarf. After meeting him and sharing in  the aura that surrounds him we attended the one hour satsang that he holds. There was a crowd of four and a half to five thousand people waiting patiently for him to come. Some were seated on grounds, some on chairs and it was a great feeling being there and the evening in the lawns with the chirping of the birds, the setting of the sun added a mystical aura to the evening. Beautiful hindi bhajans  of Shiv were sung by devotes and the whole atmosphere was serene and calm. Guru dev came around seven in the evening and he made the group do meditation for nearly twenty to twenty five minutes and after this he answered many questions  raised by the people present. There were a large number of foreigners present. Questions were asked by the Forest Department people on environment, and others groups wanted to know about his activities and some  asked about Yoga. It was a very nice feeling to see a large number of youngsters  and students present at this meeting and as the session ended  around eight thirty, food was served in the kitchen to all. We decided to take a room and stay in the Ashram itself and around ten at night we could see a large number of youngsters waiting on the road to catch a glimpse of Guru dev for he had to leave for the airport as he had to take a flight to Germany. I marvel at the energy Guru dev has for carrying out each day filled with so many activities and yet be so much at peace with him self and be so soft spoken. A large number of engineering students were working there and many had left their plum jobs abroad to carry out his social service activities. It is exhilarating to see so many youth being attached to his philosophy and following him.

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