Friday, November 2, 2018

The coffee Museum at Araku

 The coffee Museum at Araku has a tag line, from Ethiopia to Araku. Reached here on 2nd November, 2018. Founfd this small yet beautifully designed museum from the outside though I was a little disappointed when I went in. They had done a lot of clay figures and scenes which were kept behind the glass casings as to how Coffee came, how is Coffee served or made in different cultures and what is its importance. All the write up was kept below these and since it was dark one could not read any thing. I was very keen to read this  and wished they had kept a light so that the visitors could read the write up. Though I am not a coffee person, I enjoyed going around for there was a very strong aroma of Coffee every where. All my three kids are great fans of coffee and not so much of tea and must have had tons and tons of coffee by now. They must have it many times a day and begin their day with a mug of Coffee and  so for a change  I had Coffee sitting there, for a large variety of Coffee is available here. I like the poster which said, Behind every successful women are cups and cups of Coffee. The disappointment that I had inside was more than made up by the ethnic decorations outside with lot of tribal arts, chairs made with tribal designs and huge pots of Coffee from many places displayed. A large varieties of Coffee chocolates are also made and sold. I also ended up purchasing few varieties of Coffee and I hope I will make it some time, for a change from my regular cups of tea.

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